In-company childcare to help women’s professional growth

It is no secret that women frequently find themselves juggling their careers and family obligations, particularly childcare. This issue has prompted discussions on how women can excel in their careers while fulfilling their family responsibilities and there is a growing emergence of innovative solutions, like workplace childcare. The aim remains to address this challenge and provide promising avenues for the advancement of working women.

Not an easy feat!

It’s undeniable that creating workplace childcare services is a daunting task. From the cost to space constraints and the shortage of qualified staff, these are just a few of the obstacles that stand in the way of even the most ambitious initiatives.

Cost and space limitations

Setting up daycare centers within the workplace requires a considerable financial commitment from companies. The expenses include building or renting dedicated space, procuring specialized equipment and supplies, and hiring and training staff, all of which can incur substantial costs. Furthermore, it might be difficult for some companies regarding available physical space to establish these childcare facilities on their premises.

Qualified workforce

Ensuring that an in-company daycare is staffed with trained professionals is crucial in order to meet children’s needs effectively. Staff members must possess the necessary skills and experience to deliver quality care and suitable education for children. This means having a comprehensive understanding of child development, age-appropriate communication abilities, and proficiency in managing groups of children and resolving conflicts.

Moreover, it is crucial to adhere to recommended child-to-adult ratios to safeguard the safety and well-being of children. This involves ensuring that there are enough adults present to supervise and engage with children appropriately.

Furthermore, ongoing staff training is indispensable to staying updated on best childcare practices and maintaining a high standard of professionalism and quality in the childcare services provided by the company.

Active participation of parents in the workplace

The introduction of in-company childcare services paves the way for more active participation by parents, particularly women, in the workplace. By making childcare more accessible during working hours, these services make it easier for parents to juggle their work and family responsibilities.

This increased accessibility can encourage parents, especially mothers, to remain professionally active, knowing that they have tangible support in caring for their children. Furthermore, feeling encouraged by their employers, parents approach their work with renewed motivation, which can translate into better performance and greater productivity.

Work-life balance

By providing childcare services in the workplace, companies play a key role in promoting work-life balance for their employees. This approach offers employees a practical and reassuring solution for looking after their children during working hours. Knowing that their children are in good hands and not too far from them, means employees can undertake their tasks with greater concentration and peace of mind.

This tangible support helps to foster a more favorable working environment, where employees feel valued and where their personal growth is taken into consideration.

Ultimately, providing childcare support to employees enhances the quality of their working life and enhances employee loyalty, as employees feel appreciated and supported in various aspects of their lives.

In-company childcare in Mauritius

In Mauritius, companies such as ENL and Eclosia have taken the initiative of providing childcare services to their employees. While laudable, companies do face challenges such as financial cost and the availability of skilled labor. However, they also pave the way for new opportunities for women in the Mauritian labor market.


Workplace childcare services hold significant potential for promoting gender equality in the workplace and bolstering women’s professional development. Nevertheless, to harness the full potential of this initiative, it is essential that companies receive adequate government support and commit to overcoming the practical challenges associated with implementing these services. Ultimately, these initiatives contribute not only to strengthening the workforce, but also to creating more balanced and inclusive working environments for all.

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